DAY 1 - Spend 10 minutes planning your day.
DAY 2 - Put your phone on DND for 2 hours.
DAY 3 - Use the 2 minute rule at every occasion.
DAY 4 - Be on time for every commitment today.
DAY 5 - Count how many times you start a sentence with No, But, However.
DAY 6 - Do not snooze
DAY 7 - Do not check emails first
DAY 8 - Generate 5 random ideas
DAY 9 - Practice listening with full attention
DAY 10 - Clean and organize something messy
DAY 11 - Smile more than you usually do
DAY 12- List down 5 things you enjoy
DAY 13- Read 10 pages of any book
DAY 14- List 3 ways you waste time and think how can you reduce it
DAY 15- Work without distraction for 90 minutes
DAY 16- Write down 3 or more achievements for the day
DAY 17- Write down 3 or more mistakes you did today
DAY 18- Spend 30 minutes thinking
DAY 19- Reward yourself for a task well done
DAY 20- No blaming
DAY 21- Write a summary of your day
DAY 22- Do what you fear or are uncomfortable about
DAY 23- Warm up and stretch for 5 min after you wake up
DAY 24- Do not stick to your opinion, keep an open mind
DAY 25- List down 3 of your strengths and plan how can you better them
DAY 26- List down 3 of your flaws and plan how can you improve them
DAY 27- Be more mindful and observant
DAY 28- Talk to a stranger
DAY 29- No sugar
DAY 30- List 10 things you are grateful for
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Nice Tips👍