There's an old saying : " It's not about adding
years to your life but adding life to your years."
SO How can you feel- and look - younger at any age? Let's Explore it........
A four year study found that adults who had taken up painting,drawing or sculpting during middle age and continued into their old age were 73 percent less likely to develop mild cognitive impairment than those who did not participate in artistic activities. These pastimes encourage you to focus your attention.
- The first and the most important thing I would like to tell you that your daily routine or your lifestyle must be healthy....
- SO.... What is your daily routine..Do you think it is good?Well take a minute and think about it...You will lots of things where you will think that many things does not make you really happy.....
- BREAKFAST - The most important thing you must do is to do a healthy breakfast on time. Many people say that... We do not have time for breakfast. But do you know that.. Remaining empty stomach for long hours can really make you dull and minor problems can occur such as headache or you may also feel dizzy.
- FIX IT - Wake up early in the morning,then perform your daily chores as usual and then have breakfast .This will charge you automatically.
- SMILE - There is an old saying that - "The best thing a person can do is SMILE" Do you know that when we smile we cheer up ourselves as well as other. Many people say that when we are worry or tensed how can we smile?
- FIX IT - Wake up and see yourself in the mirror and then smile and say..I am beautiful and I have no worries,I am happy , I am loved and blessed and trust me you will see that things start to work. You will really feel happy and blessed and you have no worries...
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