
Showing posts from May, 2021


  TRAVEL TIPS In the beginning, you make a lot  of travel mistakes. Travel savviness is a process born of missed buses, foolish behavior, cultural unawareness, and countless tiny errors. Then, one day, you begin to seamlessly move through airports and integrate yourself into new cultures like a fish to water. I want to help speed up the process and help you avoid  my  mistakes (and I often make a lot of them), so I put together this giant list of my best travel tips that cover everything under the sun to help you reach your full travel ninja potential. Iā€™ve learned these tips over the last twelve years. These tips for traveling will have you saving money, sleeping better, getting off the beaten path more, meeting locals, and just being a better traveler. 1. Always pack a towel Itā€™s the key to successful galactic hitchhiking and plain common sense. You never know when you will need it, whether itā€™s at the beach, on a picnic, or just to dry off. While many ho...

HOW TO REGAIN YOUR CONFIDENCE (Speak in Public with full Confidence)

 GOLDEN   RULES   OF     PUBLIC   SPEAKING WHAT  IS  PUBLIC  SPEAKING Public  speaking  is  the  practice  or  deed  of  performing  a  speech  before    a  live  audience.  This  type  of  speech  is  intentionally  structured  with  three  universal  intentions  to  inform , to  convince  and  to  entertain  the  audience  . Public  speaking  is  vital  when  representing  and  expressing  ideas. Public  speaking  has  evooolved  from  the  19th  century  recitation  of  the  classic  speeches  to  the  elocution  of  the  20th  and  21st  centuries. ANXIETY  DURING  PUBLIC  SPEAKING Does...


  5  SKIILS  THAT  EMPLOYERS  WANT    ON  YOUR  RESUME 1.  COMMUNICATION  (  listening,  verbal,  written  ). 2.  LEADERSHIP /  MANAGEMENT  SKILLS       Goal  driven  leader  who  maintains  a  productive  climate  and  confidently  motivates,  mobilizes  and  coaches  employees  to  meet  high  performance  standards. 3.  PLANNING/  ORGANIZING     Results-driven  achiever  with  exemplary  planning  organizational  skills,  along  with  a  high  degree  of  detail  orientation. 4.  PROBLEM  SOLVING/  REASONING/  CREATIVITY     Innovative  problem  solver  who  can  generate  workable  solutions  and  resolve  complai...


HOW  TO  USE  THE  SUBCONSCIOUS   MIND  TO  GET  WHAT  YOU  WANT POINTS  TO  CONSIDER A  few  things  to  understand  before  we  dive  into  this ; *  Desire  means  it,s  done.You  don,t  have  desires  just  so  they  can  torture  you.  Think  of  them  as  your  Soul  saying,  yes!  We  love  this!  We  have  this! *  You  already  have  everything  you  could  ever  possibly  desire  and  then  some. *  The  only  reason  you  don,t  experience  your  desire  is  because  you  dismiss  it  as  a  mere  fantasy. *  There  are  a  bazillion  ways  to  have  you...


  #  30   DAYS  A   LITTLE   BETTER          # EVERYDAY   CHALLENGE DAY  1 - Spend  10  minutes  planning  your  day. DAY   2 - Put  your  phone  on  DND  for  2  hours. DAY   3 - Use  the  2  minute  rule  at  every  occasion. DAY   4 - Be  on  time  for  every  commitment  today. DAY   5 - Count  how  many  times  you  start  a  sentence  with  No,  But,  However. DAY   6 - Do  not  snooze DAY   7 - Do  not  check  emails  first DAY   8 - Generate  5  random  ideas DAY   9 - Practice  listening   with  full  attention DAY  10 - Clean  and  organize  somethin...


 10    RULES    OF    SUCCESS 1   Morning  listen  to  positive  audio  training  or  watch  a  video  everyday. 2   Morning  pray. 3   Concentrate  on  your  goals  everyday.  We  become  what  we  think  about. 4.   Think  positively  so  you  can  achieve  positive  results. 5.   Trust  yourself  ignore  the  naysayers. <script async custom-element="amp-ad" src=""></script> 6.   Associate  yourself  with  successful  and  like-minded  people  that  can  pull  for  you.  Your  income  is  the  average  of  your  5  best  friends 7.   Go  to  bed  smarte...