
Showing posts from April, 2021


    Every lady should know these  etiquette rules   The first room you should introduce your new guests to is the bathroom so that they can freshen themselves up before meeting the others.   If there are edible or drinkable presents brought to you by new guests put them on the table so that everyone can have a taste.   If you need to leave party earlier only tell the host so that none of the guests treat it like an invitation to leave at the same time as you.   If you are out and you feel that it is too stuffy in the restaurant or café the first thing you should do is tell the waiter about it.   Never show the contents of your purse to the public.     Never brush your hair anywhere but in the ladies’ room.   Putting on makeup is allowed in the ladies’ room also, except for lipstick.   Never choose the best place at the table, choose the nearest.       Put your spoon down only after you are done with soup ins...




  HABITS  THAT  WILL  MAKE  YOU  A  SMARTER  WOMAN..... 1. Read books daily. 2. Do one self - improvement activity daily . 3. Analyze your mistakes and learn from them. 4. Read about politics and your country affairs. 5. Always go to vote. 6. Recycle your trash. 7. Create a plan before doing anything. 8. Always focus on the positives. 9. Participate in interesting decisions. 10. Always look for something new to learn. 11. Always try to think outside the box. 12. Eat healthy and exercise. 13. Meditate daily. 14. Hang out with smart people. 15. Practice to express your opinion without getting offended. 16. Track your finances. 17. Challenge yourself regularly. 18. Take proper rest everyday. 19. Develop a morning routine. 20. Always listen before you speak. 21. Go through online courses. 22. Share your knowledge with others. 23. Think of new ways to do old things. 24. Watch less TV. 25. Never skip your breakfast. 26. Limit your smartphone use. 27. Lo...


      There's an old saying : " It's not about adding  years to your life but adding life to your years."  SO How can you feel- and look - younger at any age? Let's Explore it........ A four year study found that adults who had taken up painting,drawing or sculpting during middle age and continued into their old age were 73 percent less likely to develop mild cognitive impairment than those who did not participate in artistic activities. These pastimes encourage you to focus your attention. The first and the most important thing I would like to tell you that your daily routine or your lifestyle must be healthy.... SO.... What is your daily routine..Do you think it is good?Well take a minute and think about it...You will lots of things where you will think that many things does not make you  really happy..... BREAKFAST  - The most important thing you must do is to do a healthy breakfast on time. Many people say that... We do not have time for breakfast....


      THE  MAGIC  OF  POSITIVE  THINKING Yes ,  there is magic in positive thinking...  In aviation,the word attitude means the angle at which the plane meets the wind ; whether the wings are level with the horizon ,and whether it is climbing or descending. The pilot who fails to take responsibility for the attitude of his aircraft is in serious trouble. And likewise,any person who has not taken charge of his or her own beliefs and attitudes runs a similar risk. The key to cultivating and maintaining a  positive mental attitude is to take control of our  thinking and avoid negative minded people. It's a challenging task to develop a calm,focused mind , but well worth the effort.  Every setback and failure we experience also comes with a great opportunity.When one door closes,a window of possibility opens.the key is to look for the opportunity and avoid dwelling on failure.Think thoughts of defeat and we are bound to feel defeat...


  DID  YOU  KNOW ? PINK CLOUDS AT THE TIME OF SUNSET IN IRAQ, The books in the book market remain in the street at night because the Iraqis  say , "The reader doesn't steel and theif doesn't read". People who stay up late at night are more creative , intelligent and better at making life discussions. There is a kind of mushroom that if eaten only once , is enough to feed a person until the end of his life. If you see a ghost in your dream , it's actually the ghost looking at you that time.This is really scary .... 1 - 3 % of population are known as the sleepless elite. This group of people routinely get 6 hours or less of sleep daily and remain totally functional. Fire has no Shadow. Dimples are in fact genetic defects , as muscles grow incorrectly and leave a gap between them. Leeches have 32 brains. Watching a horror movie burns nearly 200 calories in just 90 minutes,due to increased heart - rate. Your shoes are the first thing people subconsciously notice about...


      ENVIRONMENTAL  ELEMENTS Environmental  factors also contribute towards hair loss and damage . Here's how to protect your mane . POLLUTION - " Air pollutants like nickel , lead , arsenic , nitrogen dioxide , ammonia and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) settle on the scalp , clogging pores and make  hair weak and brittle. THE  SUN - Exposure to the Sun's ultraviolet (UV) rays makes hair rough , dehydrated and frizzy. Cover up with a hat or scarf and use shampoos that offer U V protection. WATER  QUALITY - Travelling or moved to a new place ? The water supply could cause hair loss. Pollutants like calcium , copper and lead strip away moisture and may cause hair to break off from the roots . Give your hair some time to get used to the water. CHLORINE - Swimming in public pools could  also cause dryness and make them fragile . "Always oil your hair before you go swimming and wear a cap" . Oil acts as a barrier and protects hair. <scr...


      Ways To Pep Up Your Popularity     Spend some time with people you want to be friend...... It's a response built into us as a result of our evolutionary past, when people were more likely to survive if they approached people and creatures only once they had determined they were non-threatening. So schedule regular activities with others and the more time you spend together,the more you will grow to like each other. Talk positively about other people...... When you talk about another person,listeners unconsciously associate you with the characteristics you're describing. "So, say positive and pleasant things about friends and colleagues and you are seen as a nice person." Ask a lot of questions....... Talking about ourselves triggers the same pleasure chemicals in the brain as food or money. In fact, participants were willing to forgo money in order talk about themselves. Stay upbeat...... Moods are contagious - and the transmission from one person to ...


    CHOOSE  HAPPINESS  EVERY  TIME "You'll get more out of life if you go through it with a smile" Happiness pointers for life  To make happiness your mainstay in life , researches recommend the following.... ADJUST  YOUR  ATTITUDE  - It is the acceptance of our selves and our environment that determines how happy we are . This is invariably what happens when we survive our mid - life crises. LEARN  SOMETHING  NEW  - Do you have a hobby? If yes , then go and start doing whatever you like and if don't then adopt one. Learn and Explore new things. Exploring new experiences can boost happiness and enhance your quality of life. FOCUS  ON WHAT  YOU  HAVE  - Look for opportunities to savour the small pleasures of daily life , focus on positive aspects in the moment without concentrating on the shadows of the past or bad thoughts . Live in the present , the future has a way of sorting itself out. EXPRESS GRATITUDE...


   Amazing Facts About Dreams that You Might Not Know About Fact #1: You can’t read while dreaming, or tell the time If you are unsure whether you are dreaming or not, try reading something. The vast majority of people are incapable of reading in their dreams. The same goes for clocks: each time you look at a clock it will tell a different time and the hands on the clock won’t appear to be moving as reported by lucid dreamers. Fact #2: Lucid dreaming There is a whole subculture of people practicing what is called lucid or conscious dreaming. Using various techniques, these people have supposedly learned to assume control of their dreams and do amazing things like flying, passing through walls, and traveling to different dimensions or even back in time. Fact #3: Inventions inspired by dreams Dreams are responsible for many of the greatest inventions of mankind. A few examples include: The idea for Google -Larry Page Alternating current generator -Tesla DNA’s double helix spiral...